Tag: office organizing

Home Organizing Tips – Home Office


Jan 2022

Home Organizing Tips – Home Office

Home Organizing Tips – Home Office Your home office is the command center of your home and family. Even if you don’t have a true office, you have paperwork and more related to keeping your home, family and life running smoothly. Whether you use your home office to work from home, manage your home and family, or both, your home office needs to work for...

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Feng Shui Your Home Office


Aug 2021

Feng Shui Your Home Office

Feng Shui Your Home Office! Feng Shui, or “wind-water”, is the ancient Chinese practice of arranging your environment so that energy or Chi flows gently and smoothly through your space. By adapting some of the principles of Feng Shui, you can organize your home office to help boost your career and create a happy and healthy work-life balance. Here are some of our tips for...

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Home Office Makeover


Mar 2015

Home Office Makeover

Home Office Makeover This cluttered space was in desperate need of a home office makeover! You might even say it seemed hopeless. But when it comes to organizing, no space or situation is hopeless! All you need is some time, effort and a plan. To achieve this home office makeover, we dove in and tackled one bag, box and pile at a time. The first...

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Create an Organized Home Office


Feb 2015

Create an Organized Home Office

Create an Organized Home Office An organized home office is a key to your success! Whether it’s an entire room or a corner of your kitchen, a home office is more than just an office – it’s the command center of your home and life, and maybe even business. It might be home base for everything from bill paying to party planning to conference calls...

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Go Paperless with Neat Scanners


Feb 2015

Go Paperless with Neat Scanners

Do you dream of going paperless? Dream no more! With the right tools, going paperless can be [relatively] painless! So how do you get from piles to organized digital files? We recommend Neat scanners and organizing software. With three levels of scanners and super smart organizing software, Neat scanners can make your paper files and piles a distant memory. The downside? You might have to sell your filing cabinets...

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Product Pick: Brother Labeler


Aug 2014

Product Pick: Brother Labeler

Our product pick this week is the Brother Personal Labeler. We have been using these for years now and find them to be the best labeler out there. Why? Well, here are our favorite features: – Lightweight – takes AAA batteries instead of AA – Doesn’t print a lot of extra tape with your label – which is a waste of $! – And speaking...

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From Paper Madness to Paper Management in Six Easy Steps


Mar 2014

From Paper Madness to Paper Management in Six Easy Steps

From Paper Madness to Paper Management in Six Easy Steps Most of us are drowning in paper these days. It doesn’t seem to stop – mail, school papers, magazines, and more. If you don’t have a good way to manage it, it will just keep piling up. To keep a handle on your papers, you need a good paper management system. A what?! Have no...

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6 Steps to Stay on Top of Your Taxes


Mar 2014

6 Steps to Stay on Top of Your Taxes

Getting prepared to do your taxes can be overwhelming, especially if you haven’t been all that organized about keeping track of your tax-related documents throughout the year. Not only do you need to keep track of tax forms you get in the mail (or on-line), but also receipts for tax-related expenses and donations, and it can also be very helpful to put your hands on...

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Home Office After


Sep 2013

Re-purposing Your Space

Just because it used to be a formal dining room or a coat closet doesn’t mean it has to stay that way if that’s not what your household needs. I’m pretty sure several people thought I was crazy when I said we were transforming the formal dining room of our 1950’s house into a home office/command center/entryway. But I’m also pretty sure more people thought...

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The Container Store's Shoe Box


Jul 2013

Product Pick: The Clear Shoe Box

If you asked me what single organizing solution I use more of than anything else in my home, I’d easily be able to tell you it’s a simple clear shoe box. Yup, that’s it – not that exciting but oh-so-useful. This simple, versatile product pick can help you contain just about any small item you can think of. Product Pick: The Clear Shoe Box My...

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