Re-purposing Your Space

04 Sep 2013

Dining Room Before
Just because it used to be a formal dining room or a coat closet doesn’t mean it has to stay that way if that’s not what your household needs. I’m pretty sure several people thought I was crazy when I said we were transforming the formal dining room of our 1950’s house into a home office/command center/entryway. But I’m also pretty sure more people thought we were pretty darn brave and downright cool for doing so!

Dining Room Before
That was back in March and I sit here now in our re-purposed dining room turned office/command center with bright asparagus-colored walls, typing away with a great view out of the front window of our house. If it was still a dining room, nobody would be in it – ever – and I would be struggling to “share” an office with my husband or more likely sitting at my kitchen table working.
Life changes and so do your space needs, so don’t let yourself be constrained by how a space was intended to be used or even by how you used it in the past. Evaluate what your current needs are and be bold enough to re-purpose your space if you need it to function differently. I was reminded of my own room re-purposing today, not only by sitting here enjoying it, but also by reading this great post on Young House Love about re-purposing a “coat closet” into a toy library – why not!? In most cases, you can always change a space back to its former self, but chances are, you won’t want or need to do so.

Home Office After

Home Office After