Tag: home organizer

From Paper Madness to Paper Management in Six Easy Steps


Mar 2014

From Paper Madness to Paper Management in Six Easy Steps

From Paper Madness to Paper Management in Six Easy Steps Most of us are drowning in paper these days. It doesn’t seem to stop – mail, school papers, magazines, and more. If you don’t have a good way to manage it, it will just keep piling up. To keep a handle on your papers, you need a good paper management system. A what?! Have no...

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Get Organized Challenge: Celebrate Your Successes


Feb 2014

Get Organized Challenge: Celebrate Your Successes

Get Organized Challenge: Celebrate Your Successes Last week, we wrapped up our Get Organized Challenge: 5 Weeks to a More Organized You. Over the course of the challenge we focused on developing 5 healthy organizing habits that, when practiced regularly, can lead you down the path to happily organized. Just to recap, those 5 healthy habits are: Buy less stuff. The less you buy, the...

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Get Organized Challenge Week 5: One In, One Out


Feb 2014

Get Organized Challenge Week 5: One In, One Out

Wow – time flies when you’re working on your organizing super powers! Over the last 4 weeks, we’ve practiced buying less stuff, making sure the stuff you have passes the test, making a home for everything in your home, and cleaning up as you go. We’ve also reminded ourselves that it’s not about being perfect but about practicing new skills that we can keep coming...

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Get Organized Challenge Week 4: Clean Up As You Go


Jan 2014

Get Organized Challenge Week 4: Clean Up As You Go

Here we are – week 4 of our Get Organized Challenge: 5 Weeks to a More Organized You! By now, you’re buying less stuff, making sure the stuff you have passes the test, and making a home for everything in your home. Or at least you’re working on it. I’m a realist – it’s not about rigidly following these healthy habits 100% of the time...

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Get Organized Challenge Week 3: Make a Home for Everything!


Jan 2014

Get Organized Challenge Week 3: Make a Home for Everything!

It’s hard to believe, but we’re already on Week 3 of our 2014 Get Organized Challenge. If you’d like to catch up, you can check out the first two posts and brush up on the organizing skills we’ve already started practicing: 1) Buy less stuff and 2) Give your stuff the “Do I need it, do I use it, do I love it?” test. We...

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Get Organized Challenge Week 2: Does it pass the test?


Jan 2014

Get Organized Challenge Week 2: Does it pass the test?

If you’ve been following along with us, you know that last week we decided to kick off 2014 with our Get Organized Challenge: 5 Weeks to a More Organized You. Our plan is to focus on one new organizing skill each week with the goal of getting ourselves into amazing organizational shape. Last week’s challenge/skill was to buy less stuff – the point being to...

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Take the Get Organized Challenge: 5 Weeks to a More Organized You


Jan 2014

Take the Get Organized Challenge: 5 Weeks to a More Organized You

We thought we’d start off the year with a healthy little dose of organizing inspiration. No, not the “you can makeover your house in a weekend” sort of inspiration, but rather the realistic and effective variety, which we think is a lot more useful. So the truth is, being organized is not about a specific product or storage solution or even about the perfect routine...

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Best of Boston!


Dec 2013

Best of Boston!

The Organizing Boston team is proud to announce that we have been chosen as the Best of Boston 2014 winner for Professional Organizing. Thank you to our amazing team of organizers and staff and of course to our wonderful clients for this recognition. We love what we do and we hope it shows!

Organizing Challenge: Managing Larger Projects


Oct 2013

Organizing Challenge: Managing Larger Projects

This fall, we’ve been helping clients with several large organizing projects, ranging from moves to renovations to whole house clean ups and more, which we love to do. But we realize just how daunting large organizing projects can be and we’ve got some tips if you’re faced with your own organizing mountain to climb. With larger projects, it’s good to start with an overall plan...

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Product Pick: Name Bubbles


Oct 2013

Product Pick: Name Bubbles

It’s been a little while since we’ve done a product pick. I don’t know about you, but I just love when something simple makes household organizing just a little bit easier. If you have kids then, you’ve probably been faced with the task of labeling their stuff, from clothes, to backpacks to water bottles and more. This is not only required by many day care...

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