Home Organization Services Blog
Tips & Inspiration
Welcome to the Organizing Boston Blog, your go-to resource for expert home organization services tips, decluttering strategies, and real-life transformations.
Whether you’re looking for pantry organization ideas, home office efficiency tips, or moving and downsizing guidance, our professional organizers share insights to help you create a more functional, stress-free home.

Oct 2012Mid Week Find: The Sliding Dorm Storage Tower
This Sliding Dorm Storage Tower is perfect for the college student strapped for space in a small dorm room. This unit’s wheels move around with ease and it’s compact size allows it to fit into little corner nooks, well out of the way. To learn more about this item visit dormco.com

Sep 2012Friday Find: Honey Can Do Back to School Home Organization Kit
This organizer is perfect for college kids out there looking to organize their dorm room and open up some space in tight quarters. With this simple organizer time wasted looking for clothing and shoes can be spent studying and participating in extra-curricular activities. Find more information about it by clicking here.

Aug 2012Friday Find: Melody Magnetic Organizer Bin
An organized locker is a just a snap away with this magnetic organizer bin. Your child can keep their pencils, pen, markers, and calculator from getting lost in the depths of their locker. Click here to learn more about this product.

Aug 2012Tuesday Tip: Organizing your Child’s Notebook
Our resident student organization expert and former teacher, Tim Unkert, M. Ed., has the following tips: 1. Use index dividers with tabs, for easy labeling, to set up your child’s notebook with clear sections for tests, quizzes, notes, and homework. 2. Place materials in the appropriate section in chronological order. 3. Spend a few minutes each day to organize your notebook You can...
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Aug 2012Tuesday Tip: Buying the Right School Supplies
With summer coming to an end, it’s time for Organizing Boston’s Back to School Series. Our goal is to help parents prepare their children for the rigors of the coming school year with some helpful organizing tips and tricks. Part 1: Buying the Right School Supplies Have a sturdy backpack; it’s better to spend a bit more on a backpack now than have to replace it mid-year....
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Jun 2012Tuesday Tip: Shop Your House Before You Hit the Stores
I heard a great reminder on The Nate Berkus Show this morning about shopping your house for items you can re-purpose before you hit the stores. And while I may not be able to DIY an old table into a design marvel (though I really wish I could), as an organizer, I couldn’t agree more with this common-sense-but-we-could-all-use-a-reminder tip! Good organizing solutions are rarely complex...
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Jun 2012Tuesday Tip: Get Your To-Do List To-Done
A recent survey conducted by LinkedIn confirmed what many of us already knew. That daily to-do list you make often doesn’t get done! And your profession may have something to do with it. Check out this brief article summarizing the findings. Since completing to-do lists seems to be an elusive task, here are a couple of tips to help turn your to-do list into your...
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Jun 2012Tuesday Tip: Don’t Overload Your Plate!
If you checked out Friday’s post, you’ll know I talked about re-usable plates to help keep cookout clutter at bay. Well, today I’m happy to report that thanks to my wonderful family, I now have my very own set of Crate & Barrel marimekko melamine plates and even a tray to match for my birthday – yeah! Here they are… But today I wanted to...
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