Tag: home office

Home Organizing Tips – Home Office


Jan 2022

Home Organizing Tips – Home Office

Home Organizing Tips – Home Office Your home office is the command center of your home and family. Even if you don’t have a true office, you have paperwork and more related to keeping your home, family and life running smoothly. Whether you use your home office to work from home, manage your home and family, or both, your home office needs to work for...

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Feng Shui Your Home Office


Aug 2021

Feng Shui Your Home Office

Feng Shui Your Home Office! Feng Shui, or “wind-water”, is the ancient Chinese practice of arranging your environment so that energy or Chi flows gently and smoothly through your space. By adapting some of the principles of Feng Shui, you can organize your home office to help boost your career and create a happy and healthy work-life balance. Here are some of our tips for...

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Create an Organized Home Office


Feb 2015

Create an Organized Home Office

Create an Organized Home Office An organized home office is a key to your success! Whether it’s an entire room or a corner of your kitchen, a home office is more than just an office – it’s the command center of your home and life, and maybe even business. It might be home base for everything from bill paying to party planning to conference calls...

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