Simplifying your Seasonal Clothing Changeover

30 Oct 2019
Simplifying your Seasonal Clothing Changeover
While we dread certain parts of winter, there are other aspects – cozy sweaters, sledding, chic wool coats, and fireplaces, among them – that make it all worthwhile. When it comes to clothes, we look forward to re-discovering the treasure trove that is our winter supply every year, sad though it may be that we likely won’t need our breezy linens and sleeveless sundresses once there’s snow on the ground.
The good news is, you’ll be in your summer clothes again before you know it – all the more reason to make sure your seasonal clothing is carefully packed away and easy to find come the spring. Follow these tips to seasonal closet-organizing and storage to make room for foliage-hued scarves and cozy thermals.
- Do a thorough fit-and-quality assessment. Leggings gone baggy? Shirt acquired a bleach stain in the wash? It can be difficult to let go of objects for nostalgic or other emotional reasons, but once you do we promise you’ll feel a sense of relief…and be able to marvel at all your open closet space. Aside from donating clothes to charity or offering them up to your friends, you can also pull inspiration from wise, older generations and cut them up into rags – a great way to save on cleaning supplies, and earth-friendly, too.
- Keep “layerable” items readily accessible. T-shirts, sweatshirts, light jackets, leggings –all of these are mix-and-match, and might be worth keeping out as an additional warming layer to add under your outerwear and heavier items. Others items won’t likely make an appearance until the spring, and those should be sorted immediately for storage.
- Roll, don’t fold. Once you’ve selected items for storage, try using the rolling technique instead of folding items. Most people are hesitant to try this, at first, but quickly become devoted converts – not only does rolling clothing help you fit more items in a space, it also causing much less wrinkling.
- Form an organizational system that makes sense for you. While we think the easiest thing to do is put similar clothing items together – t-shirts with t-shirts, pants with pants – you may prefer to do it by color, outfit, or any number of self-devised categories that make sense for you. Go for it! As long as you can make sense of it later, it will work just fine.
- Wash your stow-away clothes one last time. Even the clean ones! Your clothes will be packed in an airtight bin for months, and wouldn’t it be great to open up your storage container to the smell of fresh linen detergent rather than musty fabric? You can also throw in a few dryer sheets to help freshen things up.
That’s it! As easy as this, you’ve freed up plenty of closet and bureau space, helping you prevent heaps of unworn clothes from piling up around your bedroom and preserving the longevity of your seasonal items.