Free Holiday Help Webinar

17 Dec 2014
Free Holiday Help Webinar
The holidays are such a mixed blessing there’s all the family time, good food, honoring old traditions and making new ones. And then there’s all the preparations and stress. If you’re like us, by the middle of the month you’re ready to pull your hair out and the idea of egg nog seems more tempting than ever. Fear not for behold, we have a solution! Spend an hour with us on December 18th at 1:00 pm ET to attend our last-minute free holiday help webinar: Brilliantly Smooth Holidays – Keeping your Home AND Your Head!
This moderated panel discussion, hosted by Susan Wenner-Jackson, founder of the popular blog Working Moms Against Guilt, will explore ways to help you pull off the holidays brilliantly, while maintaining your sanity! Get great advice and last-minute tips from renowned cooking, decorating, entertaining and home-making experts to help make this holiday season smoother and more enjoyable, with less stress. So grab a fresh cup of coffee or tea, close the door to your office, put on your phone head set, and get some great advice to help you hold it together while holding forth through the holidays! Here’s an idea of what you’ll learn during this lunch-hour webinar.
Cleaning & House Prep Tips for Entertaining: Marie Stegner, Consumer Health Advocate for Maid Brigade, shares healthy and affordable cleaning, organizing and decorating.
Festive Food: Kerry Dunnington, Culinary Consultant, Caterer, Food Author gives us tips and exciting ideas for holiday dining.
Balancing It All: Liz O’donnell, Work/Life Balance expert, Author, Blogger and Huffington Post Writer helps us enjoy merriment not meltdowns.
Organizing Holiday Gear: Sarah Buckwalter, Certified Professional Organizer and Founder of Organizing Boston and Organizing U, tells us how to tame our string lights, curly ribbon, wrapping tissue and more.
So don’t let your guest lists, grocery lists, and general To Do lists get the better of you this holiday season. Mark your calendar and relax knowing help is on the way!