Clever Closet Tricks

Clever Closet Tricks
16 Oct 2013

Sometimes you need a clever little trick to help you with an honest wardrobe review. Here are a few we love to help if you get “hung up.”

  • The “backwards hanger” trick – Hang all of the clothes in your closet the “wrong” way, so that you are hooking the hangers from the back of the rod. If you wear it, hang the item back up the right way. Anything still left on a backwards hanger at the end of the season should be donated or consigned.
  • Assign an expiration date – If you’re having trouble deciding whether to let something go, give it an expiration date (anywhere from a month to 6 months) – literally write the expiration date on a colored dot sticker, stick it to the item and move on. If you haven’t worn the item by the expiration date, let it go.
  • Stow the “maybes” – Similar to the expiration date trick, pack all your maybe items in a box and put an expiration date on the box. If you haven’t been tempted to get any of the items out by the expiration date, go ahead and donate the whole box.
  • Give the underdogs a chance – We all know that we tend to wear a few favorite items all the time. Give your other clothes some love and make a game out of trying to wear your underdogs instead of just your favorites. You will find some new favorites or some major “oh, that’s why I never wear this” items you’ve been holding on to – you won’t know until you try. This trick pairs really well with the backwards hanger trick.
  • Pack your bags – Another great trick is to “pretend pack” for a week or two long trip. What would you take with you? This gives you a chance to put together your best and most versatile outfits and pieces. Now take a look at what’s left behind – if you didn’t want to pack it, why? And why are you holding onto it if it didn’t make the travel cut? This will help you get rid of items you may be holding onto for no reason.

Try out one or more of these tricks as you do your seasonal closet review and you’ll be left with just the closet you wear and love – wouldn’t that be nice?!

Sarah Buckwalter