5 Tips to be an Organized Stay-at-Home Parent!

5 Tips to be an Organized Stay-at-Home Parent!
14 Oct 2021

 5 Tips to be an Organized Stay-at-Home Parent!

We get it, you have so many things to accomplish within a 24 hour period and the most important thing is SLEEP! Being a stay-at-home parent can feel like a roller coaster ride with no brakes. Following these 5 helpful tips from Organizing Boston’s professional organizers will help lead you to a healthier, more balanced and organized life!

  1. Set One Goal for Each Day: Before you go to bed at night, write down one goal for the next day. It doesn’t have to be anything challenging or an unrealistic goal – it can be something simple like sorting the clothes in your laundry hampers.
  2. Stop Multi-Tasking/Know Your Limits: While we think it’s great that your ambitious enough to tackle your never ending to-do list, we also know that there is a right way to multi-task and a wrong way. Juggling too much in one day creates so much stress and anxiety.  Sensory overload is a very real thing and can be overwhelming for anyone.  The trick is to only take on what you know you can handle. Every parent wants to be “superman” or “superwoman”, but leave the costume for the characters and focus your time and energy on the real you.
  3. Avoid Distractions: If you’re someone who gets carried away with conversation then glances at your watch only to see that you’re late getting the kids off the bus, then STOP right there! Situations like these should be a real eye opener and help prevent letting yourself get distracted so easily. Avoiding any person, situation or thing that can cause an interruption in your schedule can be difficult, but once you learn how to gain control you’ll achieve more success throughout the day.
  4. Effective Time Management: If being organized throughout the day isn’t your strong suit, then try writing down some notes with helpful reminders to help guide you through the day. This is especially important if you have commitments on the calendar, like doctor’s appointments, kid’s sports, volunteer work, etc. You don’t want to miss it or be late! Swap the mental calendar for an actual written or digital schedule each day.
  5. You Deserve “ME” Time: It’s perfectly acceptable to let your spouse and children know that you need some time for yourself each day. Whether it’s reading a chapter in a book, taking a bubble bath or going for run, you deserve a breather and time to recharge. Remember to take care of YOU.

Sarah Buckwalter