Switching Gears This Summer

Switching Gears This Summer
24 Jul 2015

Switching Gears in Your Garage This Summer!

You’re moving into your new home, condo or apartment this summer – congratulations! Here in Boston and surrounding towns, extra storage space in the garage may not always be an option.  If you’re like most people, then putting off organizing the garage until the end is bound to happen but what if you “switched gears”? If you’re already prepared and have most of your winter items in labeled bins or boxes, then putting up shelving or racks right away will help you feel less cluttered. Even your bicycle will have it’s own home!
Here are some of our favorite storage options for the garage:
1) Recycle, Donation and Trash Bins: Review your summer gear as you make the switch. Don’t bother storing items that you will likely replace or not use again next year. Recycle, donate or trash items as appropriate.
2) Bike, Tools and other Equipment Racks: Just think how nice it will be to unpack ready-to-use items this summer like your bike and tools for home renovations. Always think “vertical” for narrower garages or shared garage space.
3) Water-Proof, Air Tight Bins: Pack smaller items like winter clothes, holiday items, memorabilia, books, etc. in sealed plastic bins with lids that are well-labeled. Large items may stand alone with or without packaging. Try to find a storage space that can accommodate all your seasonal items in one space (I know, easier said than done).
4) Stackable Shelves: If your summer gear needs cleaning, be sure to do that ASAP – don’t wait until you need it!
5) Zone System: Create zones in your garage for items like sports gear, yard/car equipment, outerwear, etc. Wall signs or labels will help everyone know where to find and put things back.
Bottom Line: Grab yourself an iced coffee and a friend then get to work and “switch gears” in your garage this summer!

Sarah Buckwalter