Summer Staging in Boston: Affordable Tips to Enhance Your Home’s Market Appeal

Summer Staging in Boston: Affordable Tips to Enhance Your Home’s Market Appeal
20 May 2024

Summer Staging in Boston: Affordable Tips to Enhance Your Home’s Market Appeal

Summer in Boston is when your home can truly blossom in the real estate market. With longer days and warmer weather, potential buyers are more inclined to explore properties, making it an opportune time to start preparations to list it. Sellers can leverage the spring’s seasonal shift by highlighting their property’s curb appeal, making sure their interiors reflect a bright and airy atmosphere, and emphasizing outdoor living spaces. Staging a home is often the first step in the process of selling real estate as it can significantly impact the perception and appeal of your property to potential buyers.

Staging doesn’t have to be expensive. There are many ways homeowners can effectively prepare their homes to make a positive impression on potential buyers. Here are some tips from Gloria Santangelo, lead organizer and move management specialist at Organizing Boston:

Declutter: Clear out any unnecessary items to make rooms appear more spacious and inviting. Remove personal items like family photos and excessive decor to allow buyers to envision themselves living in the space. Remove items leaning in corners and underneath tables. These are items you may not consider as “clutter” but removing them makes a big difference. “I recommend taking a few photos of your room and look at them objectively.” suggests Gloria, “Photos help you notice extraneous objects that you wouldn’t otherwise pay attention to.”

Clean and Depersonalize: Ensure the home is clean from top to bottom, including windows, floors, surfaces, and underneath bureaus and credenzas. Depersonalize by neutralizing paint colors (especially very bright colors) and touch up scuffs on walls and stairways. “As organizers staging a home” says Gloria, “we want to remove overly personalized decor, including collections of objects such as hats, snow globes, dolls, or any items that are meaningful only to you.”

Maximize Natural Light: Open curtains and blinds to let in natural light, which can make rooms feel larger and more welcoming. Ensure that windows are clean to maximize the effect. Even if you live in close proximity to your neighbors, or don’t have the best view, leave window coverings open. Dark homes are uninviting to buyers.

Arrange Furniture: Rearrange furniture to create a flow that makes rooms feel open and easy to navigate. Avoid blocking natural pathways, even if it means removing a chair, or furniture that you think buyers will like. Having less furniture is better than having furniture that people have to walk around. If possible, ensure that furniture is appropriately scaled for each room.

Highlight Key Features: Showcase the home’s best features, such as architectural details, fireplaces, or stunning views. Use furniture arrangements or art to draw attention to focal points.

Add Greenery: Incorporate plants or flowers to add life and freshness to each room. Choose low-maintenance options and place them strategically to enhance the overall aesthetic. “Don’t decorate with fake plants” recommends Gloria. “ If you don’t have a green thumb, consider adding plants when the home is just about to go on the market. Take plants out of their plastic containers and place them in ceramic pots- you can find nice, inexpensive ones at Home Goods, Target, and Ikea.”

Update Fixtures and Hardware: Replace outdated fixtures and hardware to give the home a more modern and cohesive look. This could include updating light fixtures, cabinet hardware, and faucets.

Create a Welcoming Entrance: Make a great first impression by ensuring that the entrance is clean, well-lit, and inviting. Consider adding a fresh coat of paint to the front door, along with a new welcome mat (get rid of the one that has dirt from boots on it) and potted plants.

Neutralize Odors: Eliminate any unpleasant odors by thoroughly cleaning carpets, upholstery, and drapes. If necessary, consider using air fresheners or candles with neutral scents to create a pleasant ambiance. But know that even if a scent is pleasing to you, some buyers may have an aversion to strong scents. “The goal,” says Gloria, “is to have the house not smell like anything, rather than smelling like perfume or lemon.”

Consider Hiring Professionals: If budget allows, hiring an Organizing Boston professional organizer can be beneficial. We provide expert advice on furniture placement, decor choices, and overall presentation to maximize your home’s appeal. We also help you declutter, pack up and arrange for storage of belongings that aren’t needed until your home is sold. We can even connect you with highly qualified service providers in the area such as; handymen, painters, landscapers and movers.

Staging doesn’t have to be expensive, but it does need to be done well. Many potential buyers are following design websites and Instagram pages with bright, clean houses who’s styles they like. It often doesn’t take much for your house to fit in with their aesthetic. By following these basic staging tips, you can increase the likelihood of attracting potential buyers and achieving a successful sale of your home!

Sarah Buckwalter