A Quick Tip to Shop Smart for Thanksgiving

A Quick Tip to Shop Smart for Thanksgiving
01 Nov 2021

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, it’s time to start planning your Thanksgiving shopping. You can save time and money by shopping your pantry first.

The key to shopping your pantry is to figure out what ingredients you already have. First, make a list of everything you’ll need. Then, cross off anything that’s already in your pantry. Now you have a list of the items you still need to take to the grocery store. Don’t forget to purge while you’re shopping your pantry. Take this opportunity to rid of anything old and expired. Be sure to check your spice rack as well.

The key to any organizational task is to plan well. Take time this week to plan your shopping and you’ll avoid the extra stress and aggravation next week. After all that’s what your family is for!

Sarah Buckwalter